“thats what artists do”


a group show

December 12th - December 31, 2020

Opening Reception:

Saturday December 12th, 4 - 8 pm.

Charles Arnoldi

Robert D. Cocke

Stephen P. Curry

Jeanne Dunn

Judith Foosaner

Monique van Genderen

Jimi Gleason

Wayne Hulgin

Jeff Irwin

Richard Allen Morris

Frances McCormack

Astrid Preston

John Rogers

Maggie Tennesen

Chris Trueman

Ricardo Xavier

Rex Yuasa.

R.B.Stevenson Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition “that's what artists do” featuring works by gallery artists

Join us for an opening reception day on Saturday December 12, from 4 - 8pm. The gallery will be open at noon for early viewing.

Due to the Covid-19 we are taking all of the necessary precautions recommended by the State of California and the Centers for Disease Control to ensure the safety of visitors and staff.

Now, visitors will be required to wear face masks and can gather outside the gallery and enter when they feel comfortable with social distancing.

7661 Girard Avenue, Suite 101, La Jolla, CA 92037

Tuesday through Saturday 11:00 to 5:00 pm.

Gallery by appointment Tel. (619) 980-0558

Tel. (858)459-3917 www.rbstevensongallery.com

R.B. Stevenson Gallery | 7661 Girard Avenue, Suite 101, La Jolla, CA 92037Unsubscribe jeffery.irwin@gmail.comUpdate Profile | About our service providerSent by rbstevensongallery@sbcglobal.net powered by

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Teddy with Stool
